Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy New Year (for reals this time)!

When 2010 came in on January 1, Bordeaux and I were both in bed, willfully sleeping out the last minutes of the previous year. 2009 turned out not to be so great, and we were so glad to have it end that we didn't really have the energy to celebrate the new year. Maybe as a residual effect of these feelings, January still felt like it belonged to the previous year-- we spent the first month of 2010 still stuck in South Africa, facing the same frustrations and annoyances that bogged us down in 2009.

Luckily, we got a second chance to start the year out right. Our return to Taiwan coincided with the biggest holiday of the year here, Chinese New Year. And thankfully, we faced this one with a lot more optimism. As the sun went down and the fire-crackers started popping, we jumped on our bike and zipped through the streets of Hsinchu, keeping an eye upward to watch the burst of the fireworks announcing that the year of the tiger was starting.

So I can say, with honesty this time, happy new year! And on that note, we're heading up to Taipei for some shopping, eating, and hot-springing.

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