Monday, August 18, 2008

Taiwan Treats: Pudding Milk Tea.

I've written about pudding milk here in Taiwan- but pudding milk tea is something entirely different. Not milk tea flavored like pudding, but rather milk tea filled with chunks of pudding. It's an unusual idea, distinctly Taiwanese, and it works rather well. Ideally, the milk tea should be creamy but not too sweet, so that it can balance out the richness of the pudding. And of course, an extra large straw is a requirment.


dee said...

Hmmm...sounds pretty yummy actually. I love vanilla pudding, so maybe that's why it's appealing to me. Does it come in different flavors?

Nik Daum said...

Hi Xander,

I just started reading your blog from the beginning. It was referred to me by my girlfriend. She was searching for other blogs of foreigners living in Thailand. Great stuff so far. Did you find it stressful to live in Bangkok? Most of our time has been spent in Chiang Mai so far.

We're keeping travel blogs of Thailand too. Mine's at

Prêt à Voyager said...

Do you by any chance have a recipe for Thai iced tea? I had one the other day and it's definitely a favorite and took me back to my travels.


kristine said...

must admit that sounds like my worst nightmare, but thanks for recording it - your comment about the extra large straw made me smile - what IS it with those??